Day 13
Read Mark 10:46-52 - Day 13
When blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was coming, he knew exactly what he wanted. He had a lifetime of waiting for this one moment. Regardless of his fear and anxiety, he called out for Jesus. The crowds mocked him to be quiet, but he continued to call out for God’s mercy until… Jesus called for him. Then the crowd changed their tone, and he jumped up and ran to Jesus. When Bartimaeus came into Jesus’ presence, Jesus asked him what he wanted. Jesus knew the answer, but Bartimaeus had to exercise his faith by asking. A lifetime of anxious, hopeful waiting culminated in a simple request for his sight. He received his sight and began to follow Jesus along the road.
How would you respond if Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” He knows the answer, but may be waiting for you to exercise your faith by asking.
What have you been waiting for? What is keeping you from following Jesus down the road?