Mark: On the Move
to Apr 20

Mark: On the Move

Between now and Easter, we're reading through the Gospel of Mark together. (That works out to approximately two pages every week.) Each Sunday we're looking at one story. Then, we discuss another episode from the life of Jesus at our community groups.

Prepare to be blown away by the way Jesus moves with compassion, miraculous power, and purposeful intent. At the same time, get ready for Him to invite you into this same kind of compassionate and impactful life, too.

This is the perfect time to personally encounter Jesus and get on board with what He is doing today.

Join us in March and April for “Mark: On the Move.” 10 a.m. each Sunday on the 5th floor of the Bluemont Hotel.

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Connect Class
12:00 PM12:00

Connect Class

You can’t do life alone. We are made for connection: with God, with others, and with a purpose bigger than our own lives. 

At the Connect Class, you’ll learn what you need to connect more fully with God, our church, and your bigger purpose.  You’ll see God's big picture, and how you can be empowered to experience the relationships and live the life you've always yearned for.

Sign Up Here
Connect Class (Part 1, 2 & 3) takes place right after our worship service at 2000 Claflin Road on March 30, April 6, and April 13.  A free lunch is included each week.

 This interactive class is part of the path to becoming a member at Bluemont. Bring your questions – we are looking forward to seeing you there!

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Called to Greatness Spring Break Trip 2025
to Mar 22

Called to Greatness Spring Break Trip 2025

We are excited to announce our Spring Break Mission Trip to San Marcos, TX. We are going to be on mission together with KU, KSU, Haskell, Baker and Washburn to advance God's kingdom in San Marcos, Texas. We will be partnering with a local church to advance God's kingdom by sharing the gospel on the college campus! At the same time, we will be exploring San Marcos, eating great local food, going to surrounding areas, and getting to spend time with new and old friends. Join us for Spring Break 2025! God's kingdom can move anywhere you are.


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Women's Game Night
7:00 PM19:00

Women's Game Night

Ladies, it's your time to shine! If you've got a competitive spirt (or at least like to hype up your friends when games get heated) then bring a friend and join us at the women's game night on Saturday, March 8. Bring your favorite game, eat some yummy snacks, and have a good time.

It's at 7 p.m. at our Ministry House (2000 Claflin Road).

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Called to Greatness Garage Sale
to Mar 1

Called to Greatness Garage Sale

The annual Called to Greatness Garage Sale is coming up February 28rd and March 1st and you won't want to miss it! Help us get ready for this big event by starting your spring cleaning early. We’re gathering gently used donations to raise money for our Called to Greatness Spring Break Mission Trip. We’re accepting anything from clothing to children’s items to large furniture. We also need volunteers to help set-up, run the sale, and clean-up. Mark your calendars now and sign up to volunteer!


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Connect Class
12:00 PM12:00

Connect Class

Ready to connect more fully with Christ and His Church? The Connect Class is just the place.

First we’ll help you establish a powerful connection with God. Then we unpack what is involved with being part of a church community, and go over Bluemont’s unique mission, values, and ministries.

The Connect Class is an important step towards getting involved and joining our mission.

Lunch is included.


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Called to Greatness Winter Conference
to Jan 19

Called to Greatness Winter Conference

Do you want to change the world? It's a big question for many, but most can agree that our hearts are longing to be a part of a life changing and world changing work. God is raising up this generation to be a part of his transformative work in people's lives personally, socially, and spiritually. The 2025 CTG winter conference will teach you about God's life changing work, what it means for you and how you can participate in it. Come to be built up in your faith and worldview alongside your peers on the K-State, KU, Washburn, Baker, UMKC JCCC, and KCCC campuses. Register

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Week of Prayer
to Jan 10

Week of Prayer

As part of the 21 Days of Disruptive Faith, we're leaning into an especially focused time of prayer the week of January 5-10. Consider fasting from food or technology during part of this time, and join us for daily corporate times of prayer:

Sun, January 5 9:15 a.m. KidSpace Room, Bluemont Hotel

Mon, January 6 6 p.m. 2000 Claflin Road

Tues, January 7 12 p.m. 2000 Claflin Road

Wed, January 8 7 a.m. 2000 Claflin Road

Thurs, January 9 12 p.m. 2000 Claflin Road

Fri, January 10 6 p.m. 2000 Claflin Road

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21 Days of Disruptive Faith
to Jan 21

21 Days of Disruptive Faith

Our theme as we begin 2025 is "Disruptive Faith." We want to be readily available when God interrupts our lives. And we want to grow as compassionate and bold disruptors, who leave an impact in the lives of those around us.

Together as a church, we will go through three weeks of personal, daily readings to help stir up disruptive faith in us. An e-mail will come to you each of these mornings with a section of Scripture to read, and an application question or two.

During the middle of this time, from January 5-10 we'll take it up a notch with personal focused prayer and fasting, and a daily corporate prayer gathering.

Let's open up to the ways God wants to disrupt our lives - and others - in 2025!

If you're not on the Bluemont e-mail list, you can sign up here:

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Christmas Schedule
to Dec 29

Christmas Schedule

December also means some changes to our regularly scheduled programming! Be sure to make note that December 22 and 29 Sunday Worship Service will be at 2000 Claflin Road at 10 a.m., with December 29 being followed by a soup potluck lunch. January 5 will be back at the Bluemont Hotel.

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Bluemont Christmas Gala
6:30 PM18:30

Bluemont Christmas Gala

You are cordially invited to the Bluemont Christmas Gala on December 7th at 6:30 p.m. The evening will include heavy hors d'oeuvres, optional activities, and music. The dress code is formal with evening dresses and suits highly encouraged. Middle schoolers and older are welcome.

Younger children will have their own party at 2000 Claflin Road. Rest assured, your little ones will be well-fed and entertained!  Please make sure to RSVP for them so we know how many to expect.  

We look forward to having you join us for an evening together celebrating what God is doing in our community.

Parking Information: Attendees are welcome to park in any non-metered parking around Jardine. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Women's Charcuterie Night
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Charcuterie Night

There's no better way to enjoy the fall than surrounded by an array of delicious cheeses, crackers, and toppings with some of your favorite people. Come along to our Women's Charcuterie Night. Invite a friend as we eat delicious food and decorate candles. All we ask is that you bring something for the charcuterie board. We'll provide the meats and cheeses! 

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Christmas Offering
to Dec 26

Christmas Offering

Our Christmas Offering this year will go to Shepherd’s Crossing, a local ministry providing financial support and counseling for some of our neighbors in Manhattan. Bluemont already gives a portion of our contributions each month to Shepherd’s Crossing. As the year ends we are excited to have an opportunity to give something extra to help meet practical needs like rent and utilities and medications, and to help people get on a solid financial footing.

All donations to Bluemont are fully tax deductible.

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to Nov 2


We know how overwhelming life can feel at times. Our experiences, our choices, our fears, our questions and all of the daily stuff can just pile up until God seems far away and impossible to find. But He’s not!

Sometimes though, we have to push back from the daily routine, purposefully encounter Jesus Christ, and allow Him to refocus us. God’s intent is to restore and heal every corner of our souls so that we can live in freedom and participate fully in His plan! Restore is a two-day, one-night retreat for women at the SpringHill Suites in Topeka, KS. Powerful messages and transparent testimonies provide opportunities to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus, receive healing, and see life very differently!

Register Here!

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Women's 5K
4:00 PM16:00

Women's 5K

Here at Bluemont we're focused on growing in all areas of our lives: spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical! We want to get together and get our bodies moving for our very first Bluemont Women's 5K. This is for runners or walkers of all kinds, no need to be a track star. A 5K route will be provided for runners and a 4k route for walkers to ensure we all get to celebrate finishing at the same time. A refreshing meal of breakfast food (think eggs, bacon, fruit, and lots of OJ) will be provided. Excited to join? Register for $5 by 10/24, invite a friend to sign up with you, and enjoy the beautiful fall outdoors with us!


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Men's Encounter
to Oct 20

Men's Encounter

  • YouthFront Camp West 21667 Spoon Creek Rd Edgerton, KS 66021 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Men's Encounter is a time for men to get away and encounter God, perhaps like never before; a time to consider, give thought to their lives and discover solutions to the unique challenges facing men.

It's important to take the time to step away and gain perspective. Whether you think you have it all figured out or not, you will benefit from attending and you will come home with no regrets. From the time you leave until the time you return, you will have nothing to worry about; all meals, transportation and lodging is included.

As guys, we tend to think next time or next season will be a better time to go, and we put it off, only to find out there really isn't a better time. The time is now for us to become the men we were created to be!

Our group meets at 2000 Claflin Road at 5:00 p.m. on October 18, before hitting the road to meet up with men from other cities at YouthFront Camp outside Edgerton.


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Connect Class Part One
12:00 PM12:00

Connect Class Part One

Part One of our Connect Class* is coming up, and we don't want you to miss it. This class equips you to know God more fully and understand His plan for the world. We discuss the basic foundations of the Christian faith. We also dive into learning about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. If you've never taken our Connect Class before, then there's something here for you.

This class is a first step towards becoming a member and getting involved at Bluemont. It also includes a free lunch!

*Previously known as the Knowing God class. Part Two (previously known as Experiencing Christian Community) will be November 10. And Part Three - our Membership Class - will be November 17.


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Feed My Starving Children: PraiseFest Global Impact
to Sep 21

Feed My Starving Children: PraiseFest Global Impact

In conjunction with the Christian music festival PraiseFest that is going on next weekend at CiCo Park, members of numerous area churches are volunteering to prepare pre-packaged meals to send to children around the world through the ministry Feed My Starving Children. This is a way to show God’s love in practical ways towards some of “the least of these,” helping them move from survival mode to thriving.

Two years ago Manhattan believers prepared 100,000 meals - and that is the target this year, too!

To help out, you can go to our website and sign up for a two hour shift this Friday or Saturday. This could be a way for you - perhaps with a friend - to serve in a way that makes a real difference. 

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Men's Clay Shooting
9:00 AM09:00

Men's Clay Shooting

Men, join us at the McCoy Ranch (34012 Silverbell Rd., Waubaunsee, KS) for food and fun as we skeet shoot and build camaraderie. Open to high school men and older. No experience needed - instruction provided. If you have a shotgun, you can bring it. If you don't have a shotgun, then bring shells - or funds to buy those there.

Breakfast will be served promptly at 9 a.m., so we can have plenty of time for shooting.

Register and pay $5

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Summit 2024
9:00 AM09:00

Summit 2024

On September 7 our network of churches and campus ministries is coming together for an incredible time of connection, transformation, and mission. Don’t miss this opportunity to be inspired, equipped, and launched into greater impact for the Kingdom. Summit 2024 will take place at Morning Star Church in Lawrence. There will be childcare for elementary aged children and below (for a small fee), so let us know when you register so we can plan accordingly.

Register now for the special Early Bird rate of only $15/person. Lunch will be included!
(After September 1 the regular rate is $25/person)

Conference Schedule:
9:00am-12:00 p.m. Session 1
12:00-1:00 p.m. Lunch (included on-site)
1:00-4:00 p.m. Session 2


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Purple Power Play
5:00 PM17:00

Purple Power Play

K-State's first pep rally of the year is a big community-wide event, and Bluemont is hosting a tent. Join us as we interact with hundreds of people, represent Bluemont, and stick around for food trucks and performances by the KSU Marching Band. Mark your calendars, we can't wait!

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Disciples in Disturbing Times
to Nov 3

Disciples in Disturbing Times

It's a great time to be alive - but it sure is unsettling! Our current message series will help you not only gain a better understanding of the unique age we live in, but also know how you are called to practically live as a disciple of Jesus Christ today.

We're looking at what God has to say about such topics as the influence of propaganda, Christian nationalism, sexual brokenness, gender confusion, social fragmentation, chronic health conditions, economics, and more. And while we touch on national and geo-political trends, the goal is for you to become an overcomer in your actual life, right where you are.

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Volleyball Kick-Off
8:00 PM20:00

Volleyball Kick-Off

  • Kansas State Recreation Complex (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As our first CTG Night of the year, our campus ministry is hosting a friendly sand volleyball competition at the K-State Rec Center. Come on out and join us as we begin the new semester!

In future weeks, Called to Greatness meets at 7 p.m. at 2000 Claflin Road for a short message about joining in God’s purposes, followed by a free dinner together.


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