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Sunday Adjustments for COVID-19

This is a new experience for all of us! We are keeping an eye on the situation with coronavirus, in order to best serve the needs of our church family and the Manhattan community. At this point, we are continuing our Sunday service, with a few adjustments:

  • Extra care is being taken to ensure that all surfaces are cleaned and sanitized.

  • Let’s all continue to be friendly - but let our smiles be contagious rather than our handshakes until we are past the flu season (foot bumps, waves and salutes are also welcome!).

  • We will sit at tables, with more space than normal between chairs.

  • We will use individually wrapped packets for Communion.

  • The offering baskets will be available at the back of the Hartford Room, instead of being passed around. You may also take this time to consider giving online, or text to 84321 to begin the process.

  • Individually, we want to encourage each of us to wash our hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and water, and to strengthen our immune systems by eating healthy and exercising.

  • And as always… if you or your children are experiencing any symptoms of the fly, or you are uncertain about your health, please stay home to get healthy.

  • If you are unable to join us physically, you can stay connected digitally. Messages will continue to be available to We are also planning to livestream our Sunday service on Facebook.

Moving forward, we will evaluate our plans week to week. Let’s remember who we are: followers of Jesus. Remember that He is not surprised by anything happening around us. As believers, we choose not to live in fear but to trust in the God who has proven His faithfulness. And let’s be praying and looking for ways to serve our community, health care workers, and those who are at risk during this time. It is in times like these that the Church demonstrates God’s love to the world. If you are in need of care of prayer, please reach out to our church family so that we can serve you.