We are really excited about these 21 days of corporately seeking God together to see Him move powerfully in our churches, our campus ministries, and our communities. We encourage you to jump in with us on this journey. Don’t worry… no one is asking you to fast for 21 days! Simply pick a day, a few days, or as many days as you’d like over the next 3 weeks to stand with others in asking God for wisdom, direction, and more of His presence.
The goal is to have 5 to 10 people each day praying and fasting over these 21 days from January 7 - 26. We have a Prayer Points sheet to help you know what to pray for concerning our 3 partner churches (Morning Star Church, Bluemont Church and City Life Church), plus our Called to Greatness campus ministry. Let’s stretch our faith together and see what God will do in 2019!