Day 9

Read Romans 9:30-33 - Day 9

Faith vs. works… how do you pursue God? Do you ever find yourself striving after Him? Like you’re on a spiritual treadmill? At times our walk with Jesus can become works-based rather than faith-based. It’s so easy to slip into the trap of doing things for Him so that He will be please with you, if to earn your right standing with Him, or to make you feel better about yourself. This attempt, however, quickly becomes dry, distant, boring, difficult, heavy, and robotic.

At the core of our relationship with Jesus is faith. Anything we do much be pursued by faith – from salvation to our careers to raising children to going to school to overcoming difficult situation to – most of all – walking with Jesus every day. The Father sees us as children of the promise, not children of the flesh (Romans 9:8). We didn’t earn it, we don’t deserve it, but he promised! Today, claim the promise that you are a child of God because of His doing, not your own, and rest in the blessing that this faith promise brings. If we believe… in faith… we will not be disappointed.

Have you been pursuing Him by works? Step off the treadmill, take a breath. The first step is to acknowledge it. Then ask God to forgive you for trying to walk with Him by your own efforts. Ask Him to restore a child-like faith in your heart… to give you a living, breathing, real powerful faith.

Robert Zima